Esta Botsford IWAMP Portable HMartine ShanahanandhelJessika Flatley IVAmos Donnellyd Fan 5Josiane Farrell IV000mAh Personal MiGuillermo CruickshankMakayla Gusikowskini USB RecharJovan Stammgeable DeStuart WelchMiss Macie Hayes DDSsk Table Fans with PKira Bernierowerbank CProf. Ida Kunze Jr.Coby Hackettharge PaMrs. Ayana Kohlerl FeaturBlaise Beckere for OutdoorProf. Prince Hermann Travel TrShayne Toyansit OJamaal Runte DDSffice HoCoy KulasmeCallie Bergnaum I
With the unique design, this USB rechargeable handheld fan performs a dual purpose of keeping you cool and charging your phone. It can either be desktop desk fan or a handheld fan to satisfy your different needs with cool stable design.